It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


The home warming party kind of sort of happened and didn't happen last night.
Nat did a wonderful job of planning everything. The only thing that didn't happen properly is that we all got sick. Nat, Elle and I all came down with a nasty sinus cough thing. I told a bunch of people, particularly people at my work, that the party was off. Nat informs me she is still going to do something because several people were coming in from out of town just for this. I started out Saturday morning in a fair mood, but feeling like garbage. It fell apart quickly. Nat and I went to the store to get a few things. I nearly passed out just walking around. I sat down. By the time we got back to the house, I had called my parents and asked my mother to "come get me." I just couldn't fathom staying and listening to a party while I tried to sleep. Nat was understanding, and quite disappointed.
I called Nat five times I think. The folks who showed had a good time. Sylvia and Chuck brought barbecue. Nat got some cooked chickens to make party food out of. We used the free-cycle punch bowl for cool-aid. Brian showed up from work. I got three phone calls from people from my work confirming the cancellation.
I have no idea how to make it up to folks. We are just going to have to have another party when every one is up to snuff. I'm sure I'll get endless lib about missing my own house warming party. No one took any pictures.

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