It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


South Park
I really hate Timmy. He would have been funny in one episode.
I like the freaky left turns it takes.
Oh, my god, they killed Kenny. I mean killed him. Smart move. The joke was getting old.
The characters are nuts. Yet, I know some people like this.
They have covered some touchy subjects with pizazz and irreverence.
Canadians on the show talk and their whole head flops around.

Wholly Crap
I just went to Google and typed in the words just Kelly with now quotes. My blog was the first link that came up. Freaky. I never expected that. If that is for real, I'm impressed.

I went to the training today. The guy teaching the class is someone I've worked with in the past. He is very intelligent and actually knows what he is trying to do. In huge corporations you normally get the fifth person away from someone who knows what is going on to teach you. This schmo has now clue and you have to sink or swim based on your own ability. Just like university. University professors don't know what is going on in the real world. They are only interested in porking a freshman and making ten year or whatever it is called. It looks like I will learn something in this class. It is normally about five days of training. This other programmer and I are getting two, six hour sessions. I like the fast pace of the class. It makes me pay attention. I have another six hours tomorrow. I can do it. Tomorrow is where we learn about the common object model. Our company, among others, refuse to use .net. Now, .net is about to be replaced.  We will be two orders of magnitude behind soon. I hate learning obsolete skills.

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