It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


People tend to do what works. They are like water. Water finds it's path by flowing passively in the path of least resistance. The path that gets it to where it wants to go with the least amount of trouble. Now, some very bad people have found a tool to bend nations to their will. All it took was one week people to give in and the flood gates open. What are the rest of us to do? We must fight. All of us. I fear the change coming to our land. I fear the loss more of troops and support personnel without reason.

Cowboy Bebop I bought this wall hanging a couple of years ago. They had dozens of wall hangings. It seems these are far more popular with Anime fans than posters. The place I bought this escapes me. i do like the art. This is Cowboy Bebop. This particular scene is Fred (The girl in the picture) leaving the rest of the crew to find her father. I liked Fred, she was very intelligent and nuts.
There is a series and a movie. They are both excellent.

I've gathered some books recently. They are not for entertainment. With the second company duties I needed a library of reference books. I only use about 5 of them on a regular basis. I have not cracked the two C++ books. Two of them are nearly identical.  One of them is actually Josh's book. If I truly understood the knowledge in these twenty books I would be a very smart programmer, and maybe some one who knows a little Spanish.

1 comment:

CyndyMW said...

I'll let you dig through the books I'm about to donate. A significant portion are computer books. Maybe you'll find something you like.