It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I've been informed that my home page looks like shit. I don't really want to fix it. It is a design thing. I'm not a web designer. I don't want it to become any more than what it is. it is a place to stick pictures. I don't care what it looks like.
I got some complements on the look and feel of my blog. I have to give all the design staff at Blogger the credit. I just type in the text and filled in the blanks in a template to get this page the way it looks. I'm going to take the link to my home page off my resume. I apologize if you have any pictures on that ugly site.
I suppose I could have done what every one else in the universe does and used a FrontPage template for my web presents. That would have given it a nice cookie cutter feel. That is what the web is all about, conformity. Forget content. Forget opinion. It is the glitz, animated GIFs, the sounds emitted by the mouse overs that really count.
It was, after all, an experiment to get a web server working on my home network. It is terribly distracting and discouraging when some one says "Man, I like the way your blog looks, but why don't you redo your home page?" When, I never did the blog in the first place. I don't want to put any time in the design of the page. I want to put time in the content of the blog.
I've always been a minimalist. Less is more. Three seconds on my home page and you know where everything is. you know how to get to everything. you don't need any help. There will never be a support call about my home page (that isn't one of my typos or errors)..
I'm not fixing anything or making my home page any more complicated. It is a piece of cake to maintain and I like it that way.

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