It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


OK. I'm in a much better mood. Let's try this again.

Geek Speak
So, I'm redoing my RedHat server again. I enjoy torturing myself it seems. It was running fine, but I just wanted to move the hard drives around inside the box. Well, I'm installing RedHat 9 and I come across the part where it asks you for firewall information. I answer as best as I can and pick the programs that I want to let through the firewall. FTP, SSH, HTTP, and a couple of others. Anyway. Samba is not on the list. It turns out Samba is listed further down in the install. The install specifically asks “Allow SMB server?” SMB is Samba. This is an accepted fact everywhere. I think to myself “Yes, finally, they just added it to the server install.” To my horror, they were simply toying with me. That check box has basically nothing to do with the actual running of Samba. It is just there for show. I finish the install and configure Samba and FTP and SSH and HTTP blaw blaw blwa. Samba doesn't work. I try fixing the smb.conf file. I try turning the firewall off. I try modifying my Windows machine. I turn off the firewall. Now, this is important because I try this same thing like five times. Nothing works. I have an old HP 333 sitting next to me chugging away working like a champ on Samba (Mandrake 9). I use the smb.conf from the Mandrake machine on the RedHat machine, nothing. I search the web over and thought I fond true love, but nothing that did the trick for samba. I get FTP working I get SSH working. I get HTTP working all with and without the firewall. Then, the sixth or seventh time I try it, I turn off the firewall and poof” Samba starts working.
I've tried reinstalling RedHat and I just can't tell where I was going wrong. Now, I can make Samba work and break by turning the firewall on and off. I've since heard that the firewall in RedHat sucks. I'm going to look for something after market. I would like to use pictures in my blog loaded from my own web server. That would be the bee's knees.

Wile E Coyote, Super Engineer
You have got to take a look at this article linked on Slashdot. I envision a big ACME label on the side of this thing. It would be cool if it works, but I'm not sure how, once this thing slingshots a couple of times, how it will “recharge” it's speed. That energy has to come from somewhere.

Picture a cupcake sitting on a table.
Id: The Id would say “Cupcake! cupcake! ya-ya-ya!!!!”
Ego: The Ego would not grab the cupcake because it is fattening.
Superego: The superego would not grab the cupcake because it is not mine.
I have found that there are many bits making us up. Each of us have directions we head at different times of the day and different times of our lives. We have concuss thought and sub-concuss instinct. I don't think those are quite the right terms for what I'm about to explain. I'm not a psych major.
There is the normal “me” who walks around, writes programs, talks to people, fills out the tax forms. Then there is another part of me in there somewhere who comes out when he feels like it. I call him Id-kelly. I don't really control him. I'm sure every one who reads this has had times where they have to stop themselves from biting someone's head off. I have learned that I can get Id-kelly to do things he wants to do. He does things on his own too. Id-kelly is the one who hits when he is angry. He is the one who decides to yell, though the words come from me. He also saves me when I'm in danger, real danger. I've noticed he helps immensely when I need to get up in front of people to speak. I've been told, this is the one that's hard to believe, that Id-kelly is pretty good in bed.
Id-kelly is a necessary part of “me”. I would not be the same person without him.
I need to hone Id-kelly. I need to learn to guide him to make “me” a better person.
Have you ever seen those cartoons where the kid is in school, the teacher tells him to deliver a piece of paper to the office and on the way he is swept away by his imagination? That is kind of how it is with Id-kelly. Sometimes I can call on him to help me out. Other times I don't realize he's been there until I come out of the daydream.
I've only told this stuff to one person before in my life. it feels weird to tell every one. Please don't think I'm nuts.

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