It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I got a call from an ex-girlfriend. Her life is hectic. I wander sometimes if she needs it that way, you know, to feel alive. It makes her nuts to just sit there and watch TV, or stop for a moment to sit on a park bench. At the moment she is about to get married to a guy she has known for years. His kids have issues and say they hate her, that kind of crap. She had a car accident late last year and her back is messed up. She has trouble working for long periods of time and minor inconvenience like not feeling things on the left side of her body. She is in a lawsuit about the wreck. Her and the guy are not married yet, but they are building a house. All in all, I feel like a dodged a bullet. That is a terrible thing to say, but come on. I'm boring and I like it that way. I need a girl who is boring and likes it that way.

I'm off to a meeting for the new business. I am in West Houston and the meeting is in the Woodlands aria. Considering I cannot drive, it is a task and a half to get there and back home. I'll manage. Public transportation in Houston sucks. That is a topic I will elaborate on in a future blog.
We will go over the schema for the new database. I'm having trouble finding a software that will allow me to build a schema for less than $1100 per seat. XML Spy is the only company that offers a $100 version that has any use what so ever. Wish me luck.

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