It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


U. S. Debt

The sun will come up August 3rd regardless of what the U. S. does in their financial endeavors. The August 2nd deadline is bullshit. This is one thing that NPR and Mark Lavin agree on. it must be true. It will take a while for the U. S. world to end. People keep saying "End of empire" when referring to this thing that is happening. The U. S. is not now and has never really been an Empire. We have been one of the only countries that had our collective shit together for the longest time. This era is coming to an end. This is a bad thing for the U. S. and the rest of world.

The U. S. dollar will not be the world's currency for much longer. You will not have to bring baked goods to the gas station to get a tank of gas. You will have to work until you drop from old age. The concept of retirement may go away. The concept of salary vs hourly may go away. These are bad things.

This is a setup for takeover by the international banking cartel according to Lavin. That happened the day we dropped the gold standard Mark. Others say it is China preparing to take us over. I hate to tell ya, bit it is the simple incompetence of our leadership. Professional politicians are simply bad decision makers. They base their decisions on what will get them reelected, not what will make our children prosper.

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