It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it raise the carbon footprint of the surrounding forest?

Walk outside some time wherever you may live and let me know if you can hear an airplane, cars, boats, air conditioners, or some other modern convenience that makes a drone noise. I tried to video something this past week and the sound that came along with my videoing in my back yard reminded of an industrial complex next to a freeway. Oh, wait, I live next to both.

I'm not out for magnificence. I'm not aiming at great. Good is a bit beyond my pay grade. No, I'm prepared to accept something between eh and scaring the kids. If I can get my point across without people switching off, I'm declaring success and moving on.

You can edit video bits in and out of the final product. You can put one thing on top of another and balance things across the screen as much as possible. I'm no good at it, but what little I've learned has convinced me that no video is trustworthy as evidence. I believe nothing to be honest.

Sound is another matter. it is more difficult to mix and match sound. Sound is one dimensional. Some people will hear the tricks. The rest will blow it off. Every time you try to mix in a new sound, you also get the static and any hiss that is in the background. Sound does not stack well. Everything heads quickly toward white noise. The voices get quieter and the air conditioner gets louder.

Editing is kind of fun. Shooting video is kind of fun. There are good and bad about them. I love playing with equipment trying to make things work. I need a green screen.

Green screen ideas

  • Walking through a door that leads somewhere it obviously doesn't.
  • Size change.
  • Put myself in a different scene.
  • Punch someone famous in the face just for fun.
  • UFO.

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