It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


The giggles

Listing to Shurlock Homes on an Old Time Radio station.

Homes and Watson are traversing a rain storm. They come to a cabin or some other place. They run in to the dark room.

Watson says "It is as dark as the inside of my pocket."

"I found a lamp. Have you a match?" Asks Homes.

"The matches in my pocket feel like spaghetti." Watson comments.

I don't know why, but this sent me on a giggling fit this morning in my office. I missed half the rest of the episode. It was one of those time where you just keep hearing the punch line in your head and giggling. I tried not to be too loud because I didn't want to explain the stupid joke to anyone walking down the hall.

Perhaps, I needed a laugh.

It didn't make me laugh, but it does make me moan to hear Homes and Watson hock Clipper Craft Men's suites for only $45.

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