It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Weather report

Today is sunny, hot, humid, partly cloudy. People are annoying for some reason. I've been in a horrible mood lately. Everything seems like it is a waist of time and useless. It is one of these depressed days where you think you should have just stayed in bed. Of course, I went to work, not for lack of sick days, but because I am a loyal employee and too proud to let a little depression keep me from performing my duties. All in all, the walk I took around the parking lot at least felt good. At least the breeze was blowing.

Where does this stuff come from? I cracked my head Tuesday. I had a nose bleed earlier today. Now I'm reporting depression. Perhaps this is a list of symptoms. What kinds of things exhibit when you clock your noggin?

Surely I'm over the hump. I mean, I will go to the doctor when it seems like it will do me some good. I do pull a "heck with medicine" every now and again. This may be one of those.

Last night I accidentally scratched my head and made it bleed. The sore is healing and thus itches. I was able to shave thank goodness. The hit is right on my nonexistent hair line. I have a history of doing this. Particularly I do it with scratches from the cat on my hands.


Weather! Yes. Expecting a rain storm this afternoon. Not sure where I heard that. South east Texas is in a drought. I can tell because the side of Westheimer I walk on is still passable even though it has not been mowed for over six months. There are a couple new shoots, but most of the grass is just lying over and has turned yellow. I'm not loosing sleep over it. My yard is only growing in spots. It looks even more like crap than normal. I refuse to water because of principle. We don't even own a sprinkler. We would have to tie Elle up to keep her out of it.

What scares me is the hurricane season. I like to hope that all the tornadoes and crazy weather has taken a bunch of energy out of the atmosphere. I know this is not how it works.

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