It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Did a bunch of VM work today. It is funny sometimes. You can't just unplug and plug the Ethernet cable for example. There are a few other things that are easier like changing the amount of RAM or HD space. Kind of fun. I had trouble moving the VM once I created it. It turns out the VMWare had just come up improperly and was refusing to restart nicely. I had to get all up in its grill.

It should have been easier. I missed a step that cost me some tome. I hate that. You try to learn as you go. I've done virtual machine stuff before, but not with VMWare server. That was a new animal. I've used the web page to create the shell and then install the OS by hand. This time I used the web interface all through Linux. It was kind of a pain in the ass. I had to start over a couple of times.

Did you know that to install Red Hat 6 with the GUI interface your machine must have at least some number between 512 and 1024 megabytes of RAM? I didn't try to figure out the exact number. I tried to Google around, but it didn't help. I'm hitting that problem more and more. It seems like Google only returns things for sale these days. If you are paying, you have a people fighting for your attention. If you are just trying to learn something, your answers get drown in the noise. That is the saddest thing I've ever put on this blog.

Get to do the same thing again tomorrow with a different version of the same distro. Hope that what I've learned over the several hours from today will help.

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