It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Today, I had to remove a seven year old computer from inventory. There was more dust than computer in some of those cases. I think of seven years as a million computer years. The guy who was working with me said he didn't think of it that way. He thought of it more in a useful vs not useful way. That is a better way of thinking about it. This particular machine had problems, but there are still a couple floating around doing a job.

No one cares, but I'm writing this in a word processor. I will then copy the paragraphs out and post them. I'm sick of typing out HTML by hand for raw text. LibreOffice does not support a good enough list of HTML features to be an HTML editor. I prefer writing in a word processor kind of environment for some reason. I suppose it just what I learned to use first.

Looked up print servers today. They are little boxes you plug in to your network that let you plug a print in and just share it. These are on the same line as a NAS, network attached storage. They are simple purpose built devices that focus on doing one thing and do it as badly cheaply as possible without getting sued.


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