It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


EAGG facts

There are only about 10 active inheritance.

  • Sudoephadrine: Triggers the release of adnorapenefrine. Causes blood vessels to contract. Stuffy nose.
  • Paracetamol and Acetaminophen: Inflammatory. It gets rid of the things that make you swell up.
  • Codeine also 3 methyl morphine: Codeine is converted to morphine in your liver.
  • Vic's or Menthol: Triggers cool receptors, feels good, but does nothing for pain. Does very little to make your better.

There are six billion people in the world. There five billion accounts for mobile phones. Someone said they went to deepest Africa and saw a Masi Warier texting.

That thing you heard about mobile phones causing brain cancer? Well, the increase was called out to be 40% higher. Higher than what? The example given was: If the chance of getting brain cancer is 5 out of 100,000, then an increase of 40% would raise it to 7 out of 100,000. Again, media hype is nuts. Besides, there is no citation of what study the cancer risk people were talking about.

Heard on Einstein-a-go-go

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