It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I'm boring

Some videos I watched this evening. I've been racking my brain trying to think of something to put up on video. I've already done all the boring stuff that I do on a daily basis. I have over 150 videos and not one of them is particularly interesting.

Video: Fire fight involving an A-10 pilot. "Keep your fire west of the smoke. ... Cleared hot." You can hear the pilot breathing and the soldier on the ground growing frantic. They are all trying to keep their buddies alive and kill the enemy.

Video: British (I think) cops chase a stolen car around. The thief gets away by running a train crossing.

Video: Skipped a video about Syrian protesters tied up.

Video: A bunch of people in Misurata make and uses Molotov cocktails on camera. This is the sort of thing that people should't put up on the internet. You can clearly see faces.

Video: Ground crew gets run over by tarp for a rain delay. Skipped.

Video: Repeat of a Russian group of red necks jumping in to a lake and sending some girl flying off some blow up device. This video was on another service a couple weeks ago.

Video: Foot chase in Afghanistan. Skipped.

Video: Timelapse of nature. Skipped.

Video: Cake shaped like a baby. "When the thrill of abortion has lost it's luster." Skipping.

Video: Guy playing a ukulele while driving in heavy traffic.

Video: Reporter ruins Guinness giant bubble attempt. Skipped.

Video: Two Iraqi politicians fighting on TV. Skipped.

Video: Cooking Swedish stile. I was hoping for nudity. It was one of those sites. Nope. Very funny though. Reminds me of a young Ethan.

Video: Cops try to confiscate video of arrest. We need a constitutional amendment for letting people video police. This will never end until someone with the right power puts their foot down.

Video: Kids smoking. Skipping.

Video: Man catches on fire at porn shop. How do you do this? I'm not linking to it. The accompanying text just says this happened in San Francisco and the guy nearly died.

Video: Police kicking a door in and failing. Another cop pulls the door open.

Video: Sperm bank parody. Not funny.

Video: Big trucker sits on another guy who attempted to abduct a child. Citizen's arrest. Good going.

Video: Something about rebels somewhere blocking military from entering a square. Skipped.

Video: Car hits man on bicycle in Brazil. Skipped.

Video: Guys being dragged across hot pavement while scooting on their ass in their underwear. Wish I had skipped.

Video: Qaddafi supporter falls to death. Skipped.

Remember the "Bat shit crazy" video I posted? It is number one under category "how to and style" on YouTube as I type this. That is awesome. That category is all chicks showing how to do makeup, and that guy. Awesome.

Video: Massive tornado in Oklahoma earlier this year. Scary looking.

Video: "Vittorio Arrigoni ISM journalist and human rights defender murdered in Gaza on April 14 2011". Please, let's give these people their own country.

Video: Guy gets hit in the side of the head by a frigging building that was blown in a high wind. He was just walking down the street.

Well, there is my adventrue. This is a Saturday evening and I'm at home watching videos on the internet. Yup, hold on to your hats.

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