It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Mission Log

This morning was cool and crisp. The air felt clean. I could see my breath five feet out of my mouth. It was light traffic and wonderful. It didn't feel like Houston at all. The wind was not blowing. My cheeks were very cold by the time I got on the bus, but I didn't care. The news was running a story about how Houston is one of the most angry cities in the U. S.. They spoke of traffic issues. I say every one should have to walk in to work and take the bus for a day. It should be a cold rainy day. One of those days that really suck. Not like today.


Skipped it.


Ate $1 worth of junk from the snack bar. As junk goes, this was not so bad. At $0.25 a piece, I got one packet of vanilla cookies, one packet of cheese crackers, and two peanut bars that remind me of lighter versions of PayDay bars. All in all, the experience was not nearly as unhealthy as some past snacks.

Then came tea time. I really like tea time. We spoke of bread makers vs making it by hand. Tea, of course. Some work stuff came up. We mentioned some of the regulars who didn't show up. Nothing bad. We just missed them was all. To be honest, it is difficult to concentrate after teatime on a Friday. However, I defend tea time on the front that it used to be after lunch that held this distinction. Perhaps tea time whittles that logy period down to only a couple of hours in which to clean up after a busy week and leave things set up for Monday.


Boring. Ate at Fud Rudker's. Posted blog. Yadda.

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