It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Morning Fog

No, not the normal kind of fog that is really just the lack of a good night's sleep and a couple cups of Joe. This was the real kind of fog.

So, I walked in to the bus stop like normal this morning. I was feeling a bit under the weather all weekend. I slept a lot. This means I spent too much time in bed. My hip had a crick in it this morning. Yes, Kelly is getting up there. The walk was great. It was cool, I didn't wheeze or cough my head off. No one tried to run me down. As soon as I got to work, I did the first thing that I really needed to knock out early and started to feel bad again. Dang it!

I didn't notice the fog walking in. As I looked out my office window to the East however, the world was obscured by a wail of haze. It looked like it was planned.

One of these days, I'm going to figure out how to capture it on camera. If I try it with the equipment I have now, they don't capture the fog correctly. I've tried some long exposures before that seemed to work. I'll have to give it another shot soon. I wonder if my DSLR still works. It has been a while since I've used it.

As the day wore on, people started talking about a chance of snow Friday. Then someone said there was a chance of snow tomorrow. It turned out they were talking about Lufkin. Their child was of at some kind of school thing or something. That sounds like a drag.

I'm working all week. Friday is when we are supposed to get freezing rain and a chance of snow. Hope the buses are running. Maybe I can get couple a pictures of that mess on the way in. I just hope I don't get trapped at work or halfway between work and home. That is the kind of thing that will suck.

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