It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


100 word stories


How do you intend to go out? I didn't know I would plummet. Sitting on this plane surrounded by people screaming and climbing over seats, sucking on oxygen masks, preying. I straighten my tie. clear my throat as best I can in the low pressure. When I meet my maker, I will look the part of a man who cared enough to look a bit prepared. Looking prepared and acting informed open so many doors. Maybe they will open this door too. So what if it doesn't. This is my only play in the game. Sit up straight. Breath. Relax.


You know when you walk down the street and bump in to someone you know, but then you realize that it isn't the same person?
That happened to me today. Only, the person I thought I knew, but didn't acted like they knew me. Even after realizing my mistake and trying to gracefully bail, this person kept walking after me and trying to talk to me. What are you supposed to do in this kind of situation?
The next time I recognize someone on the street, I'm going to go home and track them down online like a normal person.

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