It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



My skin likes 40% to 60% humidity. Anything below or above that range and my skin starts to crack like mad. Thank Goodness i live in a place that probably averages 80%. That just makes life interesting.

By default, Facebook releases all your data to the entire internet with the exception of your birth date.. You have to go change everything to say something like “only friends” or whatever it is. Facebook has no Google credo like “do no evil”. They are really starting to piss me off. I use Facebook to contact with friends and even get hold of their new data when things change. The price may be too high.

When a man offers to sell you a bar of gold, do not reach for your billfold, except to make sure you still have it. While listening to one of the old time radio shows they were talking about gold costing $35 U. S. per Troy ounce. Gold just topped $1220 earlier this week on one exchange.

Abu Dhabi is a country. Abu Dooby is a drug dealer.

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