It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


One world government

This is what a conspiracy theory should sound like.

My God Fox news station sound paranoid. I don't care if they are right. They sound like a bunch of right wing nut jobs. I've considered myself a right wing nut job. I'm going to have to redraw some lines. The commercials even call the leaders of the U. S. 'treasonous'. They are selling long term food storage and products for God's sake. I'm trying to get the other side of the story because our president doesn't want me to know something. he is driving me to listen.

They are talking about electing 'greenhorns' to congres this next election. That is, vote out all the encumbrance. They assume the people going in are 'evil' and corrupt. The assumption is that the greenhorn newbies will take a long time to become trusted by the higher ups so the government will become gridlocked and this is a good thing.

I've believed that having one group in charge of congress and the other in charge of the presidency was a good thing because it is competition. They are at each other's throats and end up only getting critical efforts completed. I think this is a good thing.

In order to get the whole world to agree to be ruled by one government, several things have to happen. The low fruit will be the countries that are in squaller as is and will take any hand out they can get. The middle fruit are countries that have an existing working economy, but they are getting bullied around by the highest fruit. These are the U. S., Europe, China that are large enough to simply bully anything they want from anyone not on the a-list.

The easiest way to break the a-list participants is to lower their status to the middle fruit area. Lower their standard of living so they are bullied around by the a-list countries. Once bullied for a while, even people who were alive during the good times will want to be covered by an umbrella that they will perceive as saving them from boot heal of the a-list countries.

Bush made the rest of the world hate the U.S. He was not the first to accomplish this. Now we will surrender everything, our freedom, wealth, standing, respect, everything to become a member of the world government.

Why? What would possibly motivate someone at the top of government to ruin their own economy and put their people through outrageous turmoil. Is it just plane evil? Is it really that they just don't get how to make things work? Can't be that simple. Surely someone who has never worked an honest day in their life would know how to run a government.

Ever watch Star Trek? Know how they travel from planet to planet or system to system and it always seems like there is one group of people to talk to and nearly every one from that group seems to agree with whatever that representative says? Well, it is a bit like that. Except, we are not the ones on the ship. We will not be aloud in to the 'federation' until we have the vast majority of beings on our planet under one centralized rule.

Beam me up

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