It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Movie Making

I tried rendering a straight forward copy of a 51 minute video shot by my Flip last night on kdenlive. It worked up to the last couple minutes where the video just went black. OK, kdenlive is not perfect, but again, it works about as well as the Windows software I've used in the past.

Most of the videos I shoot will end up being less than ten minutes long. That is the current limit for YouTube under a free account. Honestly, I'm not up for making anything longer that would keep people's attention. The only way that might happen is if I make some sort of instructional video or I'm trying to document something. The latter will probably only need the raw video with maybe a snip here and there.

The funny thing is that I want to do video and have nothing to shoot. It was a slow drawn out process to become an amateur photographer. I found myself wising I had pictures and buying a camera. Then I went digital. Video just isn't working out like that. I may be suffering existing infrastructure block.I want to do both take pictures and videos. I need to work on that mechanism. It might be cool if I could rig up my static camera to just keep shooting video in between the pictures. That might make for some good candied video.

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