It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Housing Ladder

Warm, waterproof and to a decent standard. Those are the standers that the U. K. wants to bring 'counsel homes' subsidized apartments, up to. I've heard of 'The Damp" before. That is the black mold type of moisture that comes in when the elements cannot be held off. There is a thing called a 'housing ladder' in the U. K.. That is, there are not a lot of new housing coming on line in the U. K., so if you want to move, you have to wait for someone else to move first and someone was waiting on you to move.

The arguments on the podcast got pretty heated. this apparently touches a nerve in the U. K..It all came down to four people all talking over each other. The BBC is normally better than that. I didn't quite get the last bit of the row.

Basically, people are upset that the tattered conditions of the housing estates (apartment buildings) are just the normal state for public housing. People need to take some matters in to their own hands and fix things themselves. Someone needs to help these folks help themselves.

The real issue I think was a bunch of money that was earmarked for fixing the housing was reallocated to setting up for the Olympics. The guy on speaking for the government was prattling the same government line and avoiding answering the real question of "Are these people going to receive the help they were promised?" He would just keep talking when the interviewers asked more questions. This really upset the people asking the questions. They felt stonewalled.

There is a TV program about it in the U. K. for goodness sake.

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