It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Saturday stuff

Some guy is really pushing a world currency. I imagine a one world currency working about as well as eh Euro has worked. There will be good ties and bad times as long as Germany and the U. S. keep propping up the rest of the world. Ever since Gore wone a Nobel prize, I have absolutly no respect for any one who has one tacked to their name.

Last night the boom-boomers behind our hose were going full tilt. I slept like a baby right through it. I just didn't care. I woke up just before 06:00 to pee and they were still going. I went right back to sleep.

I've been watching The Outer Limits on hulu all day. No matter if I kill every thing else on my network, hulu blips and churps. Well, all day means ever since I got up at 14:00 or so. It felt so good to sleep in. I didn't go in to work because the things I need to get done require othe people and I really don't want to disturb them on Saturday. Work is nuts. We have a couple huge projects that are keeping us all nose-to-grindstone. It feels good to be honest. I don't think I know any one who is dead weight. I can't tell you how many people were driftwood. How did that place stay in business? How does it stay in business?

Natalie mentioned that she hadn't turned on the TV to be a TV in a week. She uses it as a monitor. I don't use it at all any more. It is a really nice TV. I watch TV on my computer. I use hulu, other specific viewers or, if proprietary software does not work on Linux, I find what I want lying around. I get a great deal of use out of the computer monitor. There was an article recently saying the winner between TV and the computer has been the computer. Well, it has been so in this household.

Nat is playing a game. Correction, she is playing two games. One is called Yoville and the other is some MySpace game about gardens. I play Youville because she made me so she would have more 'crew' members. I really hate this. It is nearly a good enough reason to give up on places like MySpace and Facebook. I'm kind of tired being bullied in to playing by my wife.

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