It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Company Lunch

We had one of those rare occasions today where Nearly everyone had some fun at work.

We had a pot-luck lunch. I brought potato salad. That is and adventure in it's own. Nat and I went to Sam's last night to get a few things including potato salad. We got nearly $300 worth of stuff and no frigging potato salad. I had to leave work thirty minutes early to run to Randal's. When I got there I waited in line to ask about potato salad. They tried to get me to buy some from behind the counter. When the lady asked how much I needed, she pointed me to the tubs out in the refrigerated islands. $13 or so for 6 pounds, 3 of mustard and 3 of 'classic' potato salad. I could have gotten a barrel at Sam's for that.

I signed up for potato salad because you can buy a barrel at Sam's for pennies. that plan back fired. Just as I'm walking away from the sign up list, the big boss walks in and says to the admin "tomorrow I want you to find out who hasn't signed up and make a list ..." I missed the rest of it, but the gist was "bring something". I was not about to show up empty handed.

The whole crew showed up hungry at noon. I made it back just in time and made some jokes about slaving over a counter and paying for the potato salad. I waited a bit longer because I have such a hard time dealing with so many people in such a small place. It is a book room, but every one there has a different conversation going on. It drives me up the wall. I can usually take a meal or a meeting. concerts work for the most part. Just so long as every one is focused on a conman theme. It is random that really gets me.

We have these new employee stand up meetings where people introduce themselves. Someone fell through the crack and Quinton stood up and called them on it. The guy had to come up and answer a bunch of questions This happens all the time at our company. It is a great way to break the ice I suppose. This time, Holly told Quinton to ask the questions. Quinton revelled in the part. He was perfect at it. I nearly choked on my root beer when Quinton said something and I bit my lip hard enough to make it bleed. I had to leave and take care of it, so I missed the rest of that episode.

I did make it back in time for the rap. My phone only shoots a half minute of video so I only got the first verse. Sorry. I'll try to get someone else's video. there were a couple of us filming. This was one of our most fun meetings and the big boss mentioned that it didn't cost him a dime because every one brought something to eat. We still have that small company feeling sometimes. We are growing and have the pains of a large company sometimes too. I suppose that is inevitable.

The Flip was in my bag back in my office. I just didn't have time to run and get it. I really missed not having it in my pocket. The whole second half of the meeting was worth videoing. Hope no one is upset, but it is too good to keep.

I wonder if I win the prize for most mentions of potato salad in one post.

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