It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Sick, still

I'm home again today. I feel a bit better, but not good enough for the stresses of work quite yet. I hope I've been missed.

Sunday, i started feeling bad. Not sure how to explain it. I had a sinus headache last Thursday. I took some medicine for it and hoped for the best. I didn't know it would turn in to the three day event I have every other year or so. I really hate being sick.

Chills, aches, headache, fever, feeling like I'm going to pass out when I stand up, yet my blood pressure was up a bit. I completely lost my night vision there for a couple days. Loss of apatite, sore throat, grind sound in lungs, massive quantities of snot, all happening at the same time. And the chills ... I couldn't get the slightest chill because I would shiver violently.

The funniest symptom is my aching feet. For some reason I forcibly wiggle my toes back and forth and rub my feet together hard when I'm sick. It is subconscious. The muscles between the bones in my feet are sore from doing all this. I've nearly pulled a muscle in my ankle and I get foot cramps from it.  I can't stop. This symptom has died down a lot as well.

Just typing this blog entry has required a break or two.

My nose hurts from being stuffy then drippy, then stuffy. I've been gargling every couple hours. I'm doing the little gravy-boat nose thing once a day. It burns. I wish I had a way to reach in my lungs and just pull the gook out by hand. My rib cage aches from lying in bed so much. My kidneys start talking to me and I can't lie on my stomach or back so I have to get up.

I am feeling better. Not all better. The worse thing about the whole experience is not the three days gone from work. I've been a jerk to Nat because I'm so grumpy. I've also not been able to let Elle give me a kiss. Those two things really suck.

I've taken my medicine, probably more than I should have. Today is day three of ten days of antibiotics. I hope they really kick in. I must go back to work tomorrow.

It rained like mad last night. We were under a tornado warning. The wind blew the rain hard against the glass. I didn't notice any leaks. Honestly, I'm glad it woke me so I could listen to it. It was somehow pleasant.

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