It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Outlook doesn't suck

I used to keep track of my time in Outlook at my old job. I used to do a lot of organization with Outlook at my old job. When I came to my current job I was glad to be rid of Outlook to be honest. It felt like a crutch or a leash or something.

Now that my current company is making me keep track of every second of my day, I wish we had Outlook or some equivalent mechanism to allow me to graphically display how many hours I spent doing what. I could spot gaps and catch problems before they happened. It was nice looking back on a week and get an idea of what ate up all my time in a glance. You can just drag and drop task time over hours or even past other tasks if you worked on two things at once. It helped me avoid multitasking. I'm terrible at multitasking. I know this. I miss that crutch.

Others gripe about not having a tool like this around. I'm not the only one who had experience at another company with the same issues. We already use a bunch of Microsoft servers. How hard can it be to set up Exchange server to do the whole scheduling/calender thing? If I ask this at work, I'll be the one assigned the task. So, I do not ask. I know the end result is useful and would save time, but I have no idea how to get it working and would look like an idiot in front of the bosses.

So, how in the world can I communicate this need to the up-ity-ups without getting tagged with the label "Outlook Boy?" Well, Some of my bosses read my blog. =P

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