It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


More on video

I came home this evening and downloaded Ubuntu. I installed it and it worked on the first try. It only made me cuss once. Right now I'm still using VMWare which will drastically reduce the performance of the video editing software. I'm not worried. If this works well, I may switch to Ubuntu. I'm kind of fed up with Fedora anyway. Isn't that nice? I mean to get fed up with one operating system and to be able to try another.

I did some more reading on Cinelarra's site and found out Knoppix and some other live CDs have one form of Cinelarra or another on their distributions. This might save me some trouble. Sometime this week I'll get through the testing of this ridiculous software on at least one platform. You know, for as much as people tout the graces of Cinelarra on Linux, I've had the hardest time making it work.

Once something works, I'll have this thing licked. I can start producing videos that don't suck. Well, I won't go that far. I'll be able to produce videos. We will leave it at that. I'm not giving up. Not right away. Not all at once. I get discouraged and take breaks. Then I trudge forth.

Have you seen some of the crap on YouTube? This video editing thing is so easy on Macs and Windows PCs that these idiots can produce something that gets their name all over the internet. Sometimes in a bad way. I'm thinking the star wars boy. That was unpleasant for him. Ther needs to be a YouTube channel "What ever happened to What's his name?"

Oh, I forgot to mention that Kino ran for 24 hours and still hadn't imported an 18 minute video. I have no idea if there was a week to go or five minutes. Useless.

With no combination of settings or video could I get avideumx to work properly without separating the mp4 audio from the video. Useless.

Might as well try a new video driver while I'm at it.

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