It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Funny memory

I'd been looking for my wedding ring for a couple of days. I remembered leaving it on the computer table, just in front of the monitor. Elle was sitting on my lap while we watched an episode of 3rd Rock Sunday I think it was.

I looked seven or eight times in that spot thinking "Why isn't it here?" You know, it never even crossed my mind that Elle might have taken it. That is good. She is not known for sticky fingers.

Nat found my ring. it was on the bar in front of the wedding goblets we keep up there for decoration. In a flash, it hit me. Elle had been pretending like she was going to swipe the ring. I was trying to watch the show and put the ring on the counter instead of putting it on because I had just washed my hands and the ring didn't feel right.


AnnaBanana said...


I've reactivated my blog, so I had to figure out my password, which means I can start commenting on your blog. You better be nice to me, or I'll make nasty comments!

AnnaBanana said...

OK -- You complain about no one leaving comments, but then you make it impossible to leave comments!

Typical Kelly....