It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Regarding Water Bottles
Don't try to put coffee  in a standard disposable water bottle. I tried it at faire first weekend. The bottle shrank from the heat and got sticky. The coffee tasted like plastic, so I threw it out. This experiment was a dismal failure. Just ask Nat. She will love to tell the tale.
When I started walking the strip of death along side the road from my home to the bus stop, I would nearly kill myself huffing and puffing. I drank an entire bottle of water and still wanted more. Now, I don't seem to break too much of a sweat and only drink half the water. Not all of that is due to the weather change. I think I'm getting some exorcise for a change.
I'm not alone. Half the folks on the bus carry a bottle of water in the Summer. The drivers don't seem to get upset about it. I've heard rumors that the faire folks won't stop you from bringing water into the faire. I usually sneak at least one bottle of water just so I have one to refill inside. TRF has to meet municipal water standards so the tap water is not that bad.

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