It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Weed Eater
I know now why people buy gas weed eaters for a home. I used to wonder because I'm thinking with that small of an area to cover, you could almost do it faster with an electric because of the set up. Not only that, but I used to think electric weed eaters lasted longer than gas. I was wrong on both counts. My great, wonderful father bought me a brand new gas weed eater day before yesterday. Even with the first time setup I did the entire plantation in about thirty minutes.
Let me tell you, this weed eater puts up with a lot less shit from the weeds. It took me a bit to figure out how the throttle works. You have to feather it every now and then. That means let off and get right back on. while you are chewing through the heaver stuff. Otherwise it starts running rich or something and wants to stall. You have to rap it up before you (gun the throttle) well before you hit the weeds. It needs to be at the higher RPM when the string hits the vegetation. It has a three position throttle. Choke, half choke, and run. Thank goodness the instructions are on the frigging air cleaner because I'm not going to remember how to start the damn thing next time I need it.
I need to use better eye protection. I've got a pare of goggles somewhere. I also need ear protection. The engine is not supper loud, but it is just loud enough to do bad things if I use it every weekend.
Besides, I like walking through my yard while it idles. I feel manly and picture the breeze that makes the weeds sway and twitch is actually them attempting to flee the juggernaut reaper headed their way.
And when I wrought the last blade of my enemy to the ground in ruin, I looked back upon all I had done and wept, for there were no weeds left to whack.
Thanks Dad.

Huh? (a true story)
Two programs, A and B.
* A need B to run.
* B needs A to install.
* With a fresh install you must install A first, then B. There is no other way to do it.
* if you have an upgrade, you must install B (remember there is an old version of A already on the machine) then uninstall\ the old A and install the new A.
Clear as mud? :-|

On of those days
I just got pissed off and destroyed about five pieces of computer equipment at my house. I cannot afford to replace anything. I can't use the fucking speakers. It is getting to the point where I can't blog anything any more. There are too many politics.
I left work at 6:30 today after nearly everything went wrong. I didn't get home until 8:15.  A trip that in a car would only take 20 minutes took over an hour and forty five minutes because I'm different than every one else. I'm an outcast.
The bus driver was very busy screaming and laughing into his cell phone the entire trip. We nearly got in to three wrecks. He didn't seem concerned. There was a domestic incident going on in the back of the bus. I was waiting for the sound of teeth hitting the ground. The bus stopped twice. Once at Wataberger and again behind the mall. I fucking hate riding the bus.
I understand hatred. I understand the want to have a target for all this anger. It would be so nice to have someone to focus on. Someone I could hate. Someone I could ultimately blame everything wrong with the world on and just hate.
I say that I hate computers all the time. I wish I could be that week. Let go and just be one of those evil weak hate mongers. They are all over the place.
I'm sick and tired of everything. I'm tired of the whole world needing me to make it work. The IRS needs me to make the budget. The government needs me to give a shit. The police need me to follow the stupid fucking rules.
What about my needs goddammit! I need some fucking freedom. I need to be a man. I need someone to hate.

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