It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



A TV news enterprise focused solely on ratings and profits would notice what Pew notices, namely that the TV audience identifies itself as more conservative than liberal. Thirty-six percent identify as conservatives, 35 percent as moderates, and only 21 percent as liberals. Wouldn't it make economic sense to at least proclaim an interest in presenting a "fair and balanced" news menu?
 Instead, networks like CBS are offering us Katie Couric touring the country doing her best Hillary Clinton impersonation. They rave about who can be the most emotionally hostile to the White House after hurricanes. Tax cuts only help the greedy rich. Bush is an idiot. Cheney is evil.

I only watch the local news. I get most of my international and national news from blogs these days. Even that list is shrinking a bit due to lack of time. I am very sick of people on the news saying someone I respect is stupid, evil, or evil outrageous. Stop complaining and tell me the facts. Let me make the decision of who is stupid, evil or just plane wrong. Stop complaining and start reporting.

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