It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch Conversation
Well, I didn't participate in any conversations at lunch today. I'm still in a bad mood from having to ride the bus yesterday. I almost went out with some of the folks here just to try to get over it. The truth is, the only thing that stopped me is that I'm broke. I ended up eating a Snickers and walking around the parking garage. I normally mumble to myself as I pace back and forth. I'm sure any one who sees me out there thinks I'm nuts. Today I grumbled and bitched out loud to no one. I must have left just in time because the guys in the white cotes didn't get me.
I tried calling Nat, but it turned out I was just not in the mood to talk so I got off the phone quickly. She doesn't deserve any of my grumbling. It is all this city, metro, asshole drivers who try to run me down, the IRS, the bank, the home owner's association, you know the story. They should call it the Fuck the Home Owners Association. it seems like they are just out to get you most of the time.
I get so pissed off I just shake sometimes. Nat thinks it is at her. It is the people around me. It is the situation. I told Nat to not freak out this morning in traffic because she got stuck hanging out in an intersection. She reminded me that I'm one to talk. She is right. I am the king of freaking out over stuff that doesn't warrant it. I have no idea what to do about it. I'm going to give myself a heart attack some day. It used to be much worse. Nat has missed my peak of loosing it. I've tried over the last several years to control my rage. It is a life long thing.

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