It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I hate computers. I hate Linux
I have to re install (restage) the computer that I'm using for a server because the fuck-heads that made Linux can't bring themselves to admit that the display system called "X" sucks huge green donkey dick. Please, no one ever use this piece of shit OS. Just for me, write stuff down and learn to do math in your head. I hope they all die broke. I hope Bill Gates looses it all and dies in prison for a crime he didn't commit.


obiwanchunn said...

For the record, it's not X that sucks. Its normally the window manager or the desktop that blows chuncks. In Redhat, its metacity. I hate that damn thing.

zhsy00001 said...

This was X. It was xorg.conf or something. It wouldn't take a change. It wouldn't take the restored original file. It was just out to piss me off. Well, it succeeded. I'm still steaming over it the next day. It might ruin my weekend.