It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I wrote my first real Python script today. It was just a class containing two methods that kick off xterms with a top and a tail running in each. It took me a while to figure out how to get the parameters to work. I was feeding the strings wrong. At work we are using Python 2.3. To really use process control I need Python 2.4. Oh, well. I'll make due.
My opinion of Python is going up. Every other scripting language in the world allows you to kick off another program in one line. Not Python. There are nineteen different ways to spawn, exec, fork, thread, or subprocess your way to a new process. Every single one of them requires a bunch of work and forethought. Python is powerful, but complex, like a race horse. I have a lot to figure out yet.
Wish me luck.

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