It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Not much going on. It was raining this morning when I went in to work. It is raining outside right now in the evening. I'm sitting in front of the computer in my nice warm apartment. I thought some one was honking their horn out side. It turns out it was a rent truck making some noise when they hit the gas. I'm pretty sure it was the transmission. That can't be good. There is a bunch of high water. They should rename Houston to Highwater. I can hear people driving through the puddle down the middle of the parking lot.

Almost Around the World
This kind of thing really makes me mad. The Global Flyer is attempting to fly around the world nonstop. The trouble is, they have "lost" 2500 lb of fuel. What? "Lost"? They speculate that it is either evaporation (unlikely), a messed up pressure hose (would have seen it in testing), or, and this is the one that is A) most likely and B) the one that chaps my ass, they forgot to top off the tank before they left. Is the guy flying that thing a woman? Come on. They say they may fall short of Hawaii. You guys suck.

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