It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I'm watching 24. The first and second season. I only caught a glimpse of the series when they were on. I borrowed them from a friend. I have a problem with the whole daytime story feel of the whole thing. I wish someone would blow his daughter away so the man can concentrate on his job.

Dark Mater Continued
It looks like they are finally going to abandon the dark matter/energy theory. Someone has a really good theory that refutes dark matter/energy and still allows for the universe to expand. I say the universe is not expanding. I say that we are simply not looking at the proper evidence. People just love looking at those little red lines and being able to explain by telling people to listen to a train whistle as it passes you. That is such a great analogy. Too  bad it is just plane wrong. I still say there is some property of gravity or space or time or light itself that explanes the little red line in the Doppler Shift from stars.

1 comment:

Gina said...

This has nothing to do with your post, really. But I came here because of your comment, and I just had to say, Ladyhawke? My favorite movie of all time. I'm not joking.

The Mouse