It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Until the robots stop worshiping us

Up to now humans have made machines that make our labor more efficient. Now we are making machines that replace us entirely.

In the first instance a better wrench makes one company faster and cheaper than another. Then the less efficient companies have to do something to keep up or get replaced by new companies.

In the second instance (the one we are in now) there is no making a process more efficient. There is simply buying better and more efficient robots to do the same job.

No more humans in the efficiency equation. The subtle difference here is a race condition to a point of robots making better robots in order to make the best robots.

By "robots", of course, I mean all that AI and algorithm nonsense that these idiots are talking about.

What I predict is everything being just as it is now until one day, we wake up and SkyNeet.

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