It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



To this day I cannot take my laptop off the docking station at work without about a 1 in 4 chance of it locking up before I’m back on the docking station. I just typed “locking station” in that last sentence. That should tell you how often it happens. It is to the point I don’t understand why I keep trying to use it in meetings. It costs me at least 15 minutes to get booted and back to the point I can get work done. First world problems.

Had to FedEx something this morning for the first time in my life. It was just an envelope full of paperwork to the tax guy. Still It was kind of fun. i thought it would be $20 but including the envelope, it was about $10 or so. Not bad. We would have used $3 worth of gas non including ware and tare to get to the office in Rosemberg. It will be there tomorrow.

Greece is going after Germany for World War II reparations in lieu of earning the money to pay their own bills. Some of the other countries that have gone through the trouble of fixing their economies don’t think Greece should get special treatment. It is a bit of tradition in Greece not to pay taxes I’ve heard.

Word of the day:
Apophenia: is the experience of perceiving patterns or connections in random or meaningless data.
I love the fiction book list for this Wikipedia entry.

Red on red. (Blue means allied forces, red means enemy forces. in U. S. military maps and lingo.)

I doubt they will get hold of the CIA guy to lock him up, they have a point if I’m honest. Unless, the U. S. government cooperates. Anything is possible with this administration.

Hurry up and pump. We gotta get those prices up. You know, the government should stay the hell out of a free market. If it weren’t for government interference, we wouldn’t have had a bubble because there would have been no guaranteed mortgage loans in the first place.

One and done I believe the saying goes in the business. Oh, I’ve said too much.

This cannot stand. In order for this to work, the entire intellectual property concept will have to be rethought from scratch. I call dibs on the app that takes the scans and automatically hunts down the patent holder and offers to sell them the identity of the violators.

Pentagon beefing up Shian Mountain.This is worthy of note because the party line is that everything is just fine in the world. The average citizenry doesn’t need to worry (because they will show the wain in nuclear winter by glowing in the dark) about anything. The government has everything in hand. Go back to sleep. American Idol is on.

Training for the coming invasion. Is it still called an invasion when they are already here?

  • Foreign military trainers entering our country.
  • An impending invasion of a country by Russia.
  • Hacking of our leadership by the Russians.
  • A white cop who gunned down an armed black man in the back while he ran away.
  • The press of the U. S. just making up allegations of rape to enhance sales of their magazine.
  • Investors lining up to pour their money down a hole in the housing market again.
  • The patent system is about to get turned on its ear.
  • Heavy exercise does little to extend life.

Heck of a day.

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