It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


How many Jews voted for Hitler? Why are Jews still so hated to this day. More on Jews and the Democratic party.

Marriage is nuts. Love makes you do stupid shit. Diamonds are more common in U. S. households than children.

Hillary needs to go down. The legion of followers who worship her need to be broken. She and Bill are con artists.

Choke Point is tyranny. Not it seems our government is killing the bank accounts of businesses that donate to the NRA? This cannot be. This shall not stand.

ISIS busy in Mexico? More disturbing news south of the border. More.

U. S. military guys sell guns to Mexican cartels. Shit guys. Did you join the military only to get access to this stuff?

The era of the fighter pilot are nearly gone. Never again will a human put their life on the line in this manner.

Obama called Yemen a success. Good thing Al Qaeda hangs on his every edict.

Preparing for war in Israel. I have friends who travel to Israel for business. I do not think they know how close to war or at least conflict the area is.

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