It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Unwelcome drones at the olympics. Someone is flying around practice files. When the players and coaches complained officials blamed it on overzealous fans.

In China they might just use a warehouse full of copper to secure a loan. Sometimes the same warehouse is used to secure multiple loans. Some western banks have people in China asking to see the friggin warehouses to make sure this huge pile of copper even exists. The shell game may be disrupted for a bit.

I do not believe the terrorists who crashed the planes in to the towers on 9/11/2001 were cowards for crashing the plane. I think they were cowards for targeting civilians.

I like listening to fiction podcasts. At least, I used to. Lately, I have no patients. If the story doesn’t grab me, I’m off to the news podcasts. Nuts. Maybe it is summer or just the crazy days of work.

There goes another set of earphones. One of the sides has just gone dead. Humph. I have other things to worry about.

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