It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Computer terminology: Get it to boot or give it the boot.

Got lunch at McDonalds. Ate on the roof of the parking garage (7th floor) I only had 2 $1 chicken sandwiches. I thought I was going to bust. I’ve noticed my stomach shrinking lately. Not sure if this is aging, or me trying not to be a glutton. Either way, I need to watch my intake and make sure I’m getting a well rounded diet.

BOINC keeps dying. I shouldn’t be surprised. this is an ancient version that only runs in 32 bit. it is what I need to run on my work system. It is allowed on my work system as long as I use my work’s project for at least part of my process time.

I’ve been very brain dead lately. I do not have the juice to produce. I have not made vlog entries. I have not made blog entries. I have not done many posts of pics or even tweets. It is worse than laziness. I’m just plain pooped.

Watch Someone Travel
Watching a friend of mine in the U. K. travel around. He turned on a service that lets his Facebook friends watch him travel around. You get a map, satellite and everything. Not sure I could do this. It feels a bit nuts. I may give it a try though. Just for grins.

He pulled in to a hotel. He then walked from the car to the door of the hotel. He then walked back to the car. All these scenarios go through my head. He forgot something. He handed one load off to someone and went back for another. He needed to move the car. No idea. I’m intrigued.

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