It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Another nice day outside at lunch. It was windy and I shot video anyway. I might stick it up out of spite. This camera handles wind noise better than the Canon, but it is not particularly designed to do so. The wind noise want to come through. When you can hear it in your ears, you know the stock camera is going to get smashed. You have to get dedicated equipment to really defeat wind noise.

Listened to an audio cast editor talk about moving voices around in an audio plane during conversations. She played a conversation deadpan, both center. Then she added a 20 off center, Whatever unit “20” is in. She also added some music to change the mood. She set some different music, that did indeed change the mood. The moving of the people around in the plane didn’t seem to do it for me. Not sure if I just have lousy stereo sense.

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