It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Mobile Movement

Mobile devices are taking over. Dell, HP all manufacturers are taking a hit. The funny thing I hard in the NPR report is that these manufacturers are looking to foreign markets for a place to hock their dinosaurs. I doubt that will work. Africa runs on mobile phones. No one has a computer. China is headed the same way. The time is coming where only developers will have a keyboard in front of them. Everyone else will just hold conversations with their devices.

Intel says they are working on new chips and products to make tablets work better. They are missing the point as well. No one gives a shit what chip is in their device. They want results. They want aps. They want to get things done without worrying about their device fucking up and needing to be rebooted.

I would be very pleased if the next big trend in mobile devices was wetter/weather resistance. This seems to be a big gaping chasm in the industry. I’m not talking those Tonka Toy bricks. I mean just normal phones made to be more resilient by design.

For example, at my day job, for the whole time I’ve been here until just recently, only sales people had laptops or tablets. Everyone brought pads of paper to meetings if that. In the first couple months of `being with a big company where everyone gets a laptop, it seems the first ten minutes of every meeting is finding a plug and connecting to wifi. The change is huge.

This is the way of things. Someday, we'll all have the phones embedded in our brains. We will stare into the middle distance and search Noogle (the neural net Google portal) for something, or play a game without twitching a muscle. Perhaps there will be an app to remember what people are saying to us so if they ask us a question we can answer. Another app that will allow us to get up, get ready and travel to work without actually waking. Perhaps another to let us sleep while exercising. We may only need to be awake for ... Well, we won’t really.

The minute someone lands on another planet they will claim it and tell the Earth to jump in a lake. The politics of Earth will change instantly upon hearing this. There will be somewhere to run. Perhaps it will happen slowly and the escape, the place to run to, will be virtual. the trouble with that is how easy it is to switch off the device that contains the virtual Shangri La. That is, of course, unless it is running along side the virtual realities inhabited by those loyal to the establishment. Then things get a bit more complex.

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