It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



There was a story on one of the podcasts I listen to where a brother took his sister as a second wife after the death of her husband. They said this was because she would die otherwise. The story didn't really suffer from it, but I did miss a couple lines of text after hearing this little bit roll by.

London is all a fit over the Olympics. They start there in two weeks. It is all about money. Every news story is about local businesses and jobs. I suppose if I listened to sports stations, I might hear more about, oh, you know, the games. The games sell themselves as a help for the economy of the area where they happen. I remember night mare stories about small businesses in Atlanta I think it was being driven out of the city by all the construction and replaced by chains that got tax breaks.

Atheist roaming around a parking lot, can't find a parking space. "God, if you find me a parking spot, I'll believe and be a follower." A Uhaul pulls out of the spot right in front of him. "Never mind God, I got it."

People trying to get reality shows should get frigging vlogs and have done with it.

I've met some pretty good people on airplanes. That must mean I'm the asshole.

Apple is catching shit over their green bullshit. Apple is a company that duchbags like. Duchebags also seem to be green. It turns out that once you start paying attention to things like reality, Apple products are not all that more green than any other piece of electronics. A few things like glued in batteries so you have to buy a new laptop instead of getting a new battery or a three year obsolete OS support so you have to buy a new laptop every three years kind of crap is finally biting Apple on the ass.

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