It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



There was an old story about an old musty was museum. A man was writing a story about sleeping in the museum. He would be paid 5 Pounds Sterling for his efforts. There was a day 5 Pounds meant something. Now it is about $8. I have to say that the description of the wax museum was far more frightening than being in one.

I wonder if I will ever buy another desktop in my life. I may buy a server for a specific need. From now on I picture myself buying laptops or tablets instead of desktops. Tablets have a ways to go yet.

Trying the contacts again. Put them in last night. Fantastic so far. Talk to me in two weeks. I have been using the glasses for like two months.

Second wet day in a row. I will never get used to being wet all day, even if it is only from the knees down. The leather boots I wore today di a much better job of keeping my feet more dry and drying out after they got wet.

I listened to a podcast today about the Higgs Particle. Some say the math points to a Higgs Field instead. Wikipedia has a better overview of the ideas and theories than anyone else. Scientists are fascinated by this whole effort, but the common folks just want to know 1) what the fuss is about. 2) Is this going to make it easier to slice bread? 3) Will it help gas prices? That kind of not sense about reality and every day living has no place in theoretical science.

Our HR person has been out of the office for over a week. When she came back and opened her door, she had to limb over a pile of paperwork that people had shoved under her door. She needs a mail drop hole in the door with a basket or something.

There are sites out there that have the business model of swiping ads off Craig's List and presenting them in a more user friendly or prettier web experience. Craig's List is of course blowing a gasket over the idea. The lawsuits are under way.

There is very little economic mobility in the U. S.. I believe it. People are not happy about it.

Some idiot came on complaining that people were not buying retail because there was too much choice. Dumb ass.

A woman, I cannot call her a mother, left her infant child on a motorway (busy street) somewhere in England I believe in the hopes he would be run over. A driver stopped and found the child before anything bad happened. It hurts listening to someone read this story and just moving on to the next story. I know they have a job to do, but I want to hear how the woman was captured and how she will be prosecuted. This is just not the story to leave at three lines between sports stories.

Lunch conversation consisted of, but was not limited to the following.

  • bathroom etiquette
  • Hazardous waist (not bathroom)
  • Inventory moving around the company
  • Mesh wifi networks
  • Left over bagels fro some meeting
  • The lunchroom being packed because it was raining

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