It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Warring the wrist watch on my right arm today. Normally, I ware it on my key chain. It is bugging me in that position today. Not sure why it does this all of a sudden. Watch for th blog post of my thumb muscles experiencing spasms in the near future.

All stores have a plot. It might be very simple or it might be bad. It is still a plot.

Is nostalgia a neurotic way of not dealing with the present?

atrocitologists: One who studies atrocities. The 20th century is just not the most dangerous century. The second half of the 20th century was amazingly quiet as far as wars between major powers.

To the victor goes the syndication rights.

The whole Nobel prize thing is a joke. I almost wish someone would do away with them. Even the real prizes like chemistry and other sciences are kind of interesting. Even they don't end up amounting to much. The current one in chemistry or maybe it's physics, found a crystalline structure in the noise. Everyone kept telling him he was nuts and he documented the results. He can now wave it under all their noses and laugh. I hope he has a good mad scientist cackle.

Break time conversation: We talked about NetFlix and every one selling your information. We all complained about media and how they have screwed everything up when it comes to getting and keeping customers. I ate a bowl of ice cream.

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