It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


New world order

I remember once speculating, here, there or somewhere, that one of the many things that could reasonably be said to have caused Word War 2 was the failure of any sort of German Parliament to meet - circa 1939, and say, in the manner of a British Parliament: No! No more of this! That time, the idea was for Germany to conquer Europe (and much else besides) with armies. Now the plan is and has long been for Germany to buy Europe, and give it to … Europe. But the price is again proving ruinous and the object being purchased is a crock.
This time, the means are surely still in place, as they were not in 1939, for Germany to say: No! But, did they? And if not, will they? Over to you, Paul Marks.
LATER: Detlev Schlichter agrees with Paul, using the word Götterdämmerung. Germany, he says, is finished.

Where goes Germany, so goes Europe. If Germany wanted to finally take over all of Europe all they would have to do is threaten to stop paying every one else's bills.

Was I the only one who saw this coming. I remember when the creation of the EU was being discussed. People said out loud that Germany had finally figured out how to take over Europe, this time without firing a shot.

Germany has but to fire the final salvo of fiscal responsibility over the bow of Grease and a few others to get them to fall in line with what Germany wants. Europe will not dissolve. The Euro will not dissolve. Freedoms will dissolve. Mark my words. In the next 20 years you will see the beginnings of the world government that does this sort of thing to countries all over the world.

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