It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



The band aid thing kind of worked. This is where I put a band aid over the mic on my camera to stifle the wind noise. The wind noise is still there, but you can hear the person (me) talking much better. Not sure it is a grade A solution, but it is another tool in the box.

People really can't think straight if you have to pee. It is equivalent to having a blood alcohol level of 0.08%. That is intoxicated in many states. Someone won an ig-Nobel prize for this research.

Some people freak when you mention radiating food. That is, you expose food to radiation in order to kill living biologic elements to limit the transfer of disease. I think people forget that mankind has been radiating food for ever with heat in the form of cooking. The frequency of the radiation is all they are talking about changing.

Lunch conversation. I didn't take a lunch today. I was just in the middle of something and didn't want to loose my momentum. By the time I had a minute, it was break time. Even as I ate my bag of popcorn, I was helping someone with RHN information. Not a big deal.

I want to ask the question "Can a white male presidential candidate win the presidency in the full election against an incumbent black male president?" Is it racist to ask the question? Is it racist to propose a rational answer?

Palin will not run. I cannot blame her.

I've had serious issues with wind noise while shooting videos. I don't know if the camera is particularly susceptible or what the deal is. Someone online suggested putting a cloth band aid over the mic holes in the body of the camera. I was already looking at things to use as a wind buffer. I've only tried blowing on the camera. it is going to take a real comparison between has a band aid and does not have a band aid. I also wonder if the type or size of band aid makes any difference.

Ate some grilled chicken wraps for lunch today. Oh, and a left over kolotchy. I skipped an ice cream and cake shin dig in the afternoon that someone threw to celebrate a birthday. I did have my customeary one soda this afternoon. Thi sis a start to eating a bit more healthy.

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