It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Bin Laden


Shouldn't have read that ULA better before installing Four Square.

The CIA couldn't find him, but Apple did.


What I think

It cracks me up how easily so many people are celebrating the death of this man. Some people celebrated in the streets when the U. S. was hit on September 11th 2001. Yah, 2001. That sounds funny. It is difficult to believe it has been 10 years. I just don't feel like celebrating. It has as much to do with respect for those who gave their lives for this country as it does for my want to avoid seeming like a ghoul.

Oliver North mentioned Bin Laden back in the nineties I believe it was. I believe the term he used was "A very bad man" or words to that effect. This guy has been on the radar for a while.

I want to know if it was a deliberate targeting or if it was "Wholly shit-snacks! It's Bin Laden!!"

Is this going to cause more or less attacks on the western world? Wasn't Bin Laden about to drop dead from lack of kidney function like 8 years ago? What does number two in Al Quida think of all this? When will we get the audio/video of a rebuttal in Bin Laden's voice on YouTube?

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