It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Partitions in crime

What makes you you? Let's define a few terms. These are just for this blog entry.

Brain: the human brain as the lump of material between the ears. It is hardware. It is the mechanism by which the spirit or entity or intelligence may communicate to the body and world.

Mind: The mind is the what makes a person who they are. Memories, dreams, thoughts, will, everything that you think of when you think of an individual.

Hard drive: The physical computer device upon which data is written.

Partition: The area drawn on a hard drive that organizes the data. It is a unit of space, a list of numbers, it is data on the drive used to organize other data.

I'm in IT. The idea of a device that holds data and a piece of data on the device runs though all kinds of areas. When I work on computers, I move data around. I modify the data between moving it from one device to another. I use one device to make a template and then apply that template to multiple devices.

Not long ago science came up with a way to separate emotions from memory. That is, take a traumatic memory, apply drugs, and disconnect that traumatic memory from the powerful painful emotions that it causes. You still remember the bad thing, but it doesn't punch you in the gut every time something reminds you of whatever happened. Very cool. I bet many lives will be made better with this kind of thing. It is something that people have wanted since the first time someone went through a life changing event.

This is one more step in a long list of controlling how the brain old memories. Mind control, for good or evil, is coming. There will be a point in the future when we can read thoughts like a book or a video screen. Then comes the ability to make changes and delete things, plant whole complete thoughts and memories in the mind. Then comes changing attitudes and rewriting the operating system in the mind to make people act specific ways. End crime. Of course, who says what is a crime or not?

Then comes the real mastery. Just as I currently take a partition or image from one system and plant it on another, the same will work on brains. Compensating for degradation, you would find a person who has access to or control of what you want. Then you would temporarily put your mind on their brain and perform the operations on that thing that you wanted done. Then simply put the partitions back on the same brain they came off of.

This is a plot for a science fiction story today. This sort of manipulation is on the way I tell you.

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