It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



There are schools in really shitty areas who have gotten a grant from our government to give food to the kids to take home to feed their families. You cannot learn on an empty stomach.

I was listening to a podcast of a financial show. They used Lady Gaga as a segway.  I thought the song didn't fit the show. Then I thought something far more disturbing. I could identify a Lady Gaga song by the beat, no words. ... sigh.

Four Square is the new Twitter. I am not posting where I am at all times. Deal with it. I think it would be far more interesting to post where I am not at any given time. I should tweet what is not going on or how much fun I'm not having. I'm sure people would find that as interesting as my current fare of meal contents and complaining. Maybe that is complaining.

Some states, like Ohio, have different colored license plats for people who have been convicted of drunk driving. I like that idea.

There is no legal definition of white as in a race. No binding definition anyway. for the most part there have been definitions of black and white was mostly what was left over. A hundred and fifty years ago Irish were not white. A hundred years ago Italians and Jews were not white. Is that some crazy stuff? I'm sick of being lumped in with those evil greedy controlling freaks. I want to be able to chose 'other' on all the forms and just write 'You tell me' in the line provided.

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